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My Political Views

Universal Healthcare similar to Australia or Canada. Not Medicare For All. Open to a Universal Basic Income ala Andrew Yang's plan, if it can be proven to be funded.  Pro-police reform, real reform, not abolishing/defunding. I support Campaign Zero and 8Can'tWait Anti-Fascist, but not pro-Antifa/AFA or any other radical groups that push a far-Leftist agenda. Support the notion "Black Lives Matter," and believe that most people that partake in the protests are in best of intentions, but am skeptical of the founders, who on record identify as "trained Marxists." Not naive of the underlying Marxist dog whistles, ala when the founder agreed that her book is similar to Mao's Red Book:  Pro Trans rights as far as healthcare, changing legal documents, calling a person the correct pronoun. I accept Non-Binary people as an identity, but do not agree with their world view of "gender abolitionism," or their infl
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 I can't speak for all non-binary people, but from the level-headed ones I've met, there have been different viewpoints depending on the person. One individual literally wanted to not look male or female, wanted to even have their genitals removed completely, be bald, totally ambiguous. Being seen as one or the other made them very uncomfortable. The other person I knew was my old endo doctor, who was biologically female, but transitioned similar to how a trans guy would - testosterone, top surgery, total change in voice. But they didn't want to ID as male, and got an X on their ID card. There are is no way to transition hormonally as non-binary, there's only male and female hormones, so I guess it's more of an identity than something physical for the people I've met. I'm very transhumanist, and I'm chill with someone's identity as long as they don't force it on me, i/g: push for pronoun checks in mundane spaces, or push for gender abolitionism.

Blistering Ballshite - My Actual Views (Uninteresting)

 1. Judith Butler fucked up a lot for binary trans people. Gender abolitionism is a theory that shouldn't be forced on others that are comfortable with who they are. Gender is not harmful. Gender is influenced by sex, brain chemistry, and immutable characteristics. Stop demanding people ask pronouns. Some of us are proud to have gotten to where we are and want to live stealth.  2. To be trans or non-binary, you have to have some kind of disconnect from your birth sex. It's not a choice, no matter what annoying, woke, lefties say. And I do believe people are calling themselves something they're not to gain attention.  3. Cultural Appropriation, 99% of the time, is just spite politics, and just a way to bash caucasians for enjoying life/being eclectic.  4. ANYONE can be racist. To say that a group cannot be racist, is a cop out to try and grant immunity for their spiteful/shitty behavior.  5. Critical Race Theory is spiteful gobshite, and doesn't do anything to promote pe

Why I Think "Queer Culture" is Ruining Goth/Industrial (A Non-Straight Person's Perspective)

After dealing with coming to terms that I wasn't somebody who was comfortable in her skin, it was only natural, that at the beginning of my "coming out" part of my life, I tried to seek out a community. I had an infatuation with the darker side of music since I was 14. Electro-Industrial bands like Wumpscut, Skinny Puppy, filled a cathartic void in my life, when I was dealing with some heartbreaking things growing up.  I got to attend my first Goth/Industrial club when I was 18 in Chicago. I was blown away by the dark androgyny, the swarms of clove smoke and fog machines, and being surrounded by people that appreciated the more macabre aspects. I found my 'community.' Prior to 2014, those avenues of social gathering were a mixed bag of people. It was mostly heterosexual, but the men were in touch with their feminine side, sometimes wore makeup, gender-bending pvc/latex clothing. It was like David Bowie with darker hues. While the Queer/LGBT themed clubs strived to

Batondasher 2019... (A Parody)

  “The  sky above the port was the colour of black and gold, tuned to dead meme... ” Los Angeles, November, 2019... The free market has been sabotaged. The lines between organic and synthetic beings have been blurred. Man, now become woman. Woman become man. Man and Women become null. Hair as blue as the ocean, before the Marxist uprising wiped out the global powergrid, with a super-EMP, codenamed "Soy-lent GrĂ¼n."  It was cold, with acid rain that burns the skin. I searched for shelter.. and a beverage. It is difficult in these years to find a nourishing meal. Newspaper (on datapad) covering my head, I ran for the nearest cafe I could find on the street corner of desolate downtown Los Angeles. I couldn't bring myself to decide whether the neon-red LEDs of "Das Kapital" cafe were blinding or inviting. Eyes fixated and studied me head to prosthetic toe, as I wandered into this small establishment, gingerly. "Can I help you?..."  "It's Dockyard..

Alternative Discrimination and the Workforce

To Preface this, some questions should be answered: 1) Is being alternative a choice, or fashion style that can be easily removed like a costume? 2) Who sets the standard of acceptable dress codes? 1) I do not believe it's as much of a choice as most people would say it is. I believe there's underlying psychological factors that make a person attracted to things outside of 'the norm;' especially things of a morbid nature. Alternative people seem to have less of a fear/disgust response than most people. There also have been links by psychologists, between tattoos, piercings, body scarification, and sexual orientation: 2) Where do "the rules" regarding what is 'acceptable' or 'normal' stem from? Those are socially mores based on religion, and gender roles. It's the same reason why men are told in the work force t

Joker | Columbine| The "Social Outcast" Meta-Analysis |

After watching Todd Phillips' film Joker, I've seen a lot of parallels to what happened in the 90's with the tragic events of the Columbine shooting in Colorado, by the plot of the film, and the media, in general's reaction to the film. Columbine happened on April 20, 1999. The birthday of Adolf Hitler. Two social misfits decided to seek revenge for being bullied by bringing an arsenal to their high school, taking the lives of 12 students, as well as themselves. Most people that lived through that decade remember how horrifying it was, what a change it brought to American culture, how it shifted conversations about possession of firearms, and how the media tried to scapegoat entertainment as the culprit. The "Goth subculture" was blamed, even though neither Eric Harris or Dylan Kleebold were part of it, they did listen to some Industrial (more leaning on the Industrial-Rock side of things like KMFDM, NIN), but weren't affiliated with the subculture built