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Showing posts from June, 2024

(Net)diving Back Into Cyberpunk 2077

 I promise it's not for the smut.  Although the smut is good. It's artsy, and aesthetically delicious. Playing through the game, and obsessively trying to Platinum Trophy it, I'm noticing all the new easter eggs.  Edgerunners reference, David Rodriuez mentioned, his jacket logo painted on the wall. Padre knows of him and his legacy. Sorry not sorry, Judy looks better with longer hair; not the hipster side shave. It's hideous. I speak as someone that had one for 10 years.  "Laguna Bend" AKA Laguna Beach. Thee gurl is from there, says we'll go visit there now LOL. Man I'm homesick. "Hippocratic Oath" Maaaan, I've been working in Healthcare too long.  More Edgerunners references:

Malleable & Dizzy

Yapping, as they say. Don't care. Where else would I?  Being a social pariah again. Only this time, I'm not in the deep South. Because extreme views take many forms.  So many bridges burned, that I'm used to the fumes, too emotionally exhausted, and nihilistic to even consider if they're toxic to breath in.  Portland broke me. I met a hero, something you should never do. I tasted my 15 minutes of social relevancy. I could have ignored the ulterior motives, still felt like I had a friend, and a social circle, support network, but I pulled the plug on it. It hurts more to have lost someone I thought was a friend, the social isolation that resulted from it, is another story, not to mention how that person, like so many in Portland, became an extremist himself.  I'm leaving back to the place I never thought I'd ever miss again. I thought this was "home." Being uprooted doesn't hurt as much when you're younger. But I'm exhausted from instability